Sumatra Gayo Peaberry Coffee


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SKU: Suma217-5lbs Category: Tag:


Sumatra Gayo Peaberry Coffee is from the Ache province on the most northern tip of Sumatra. Sumatran Gayo Peaberry Coffee is grown at an altitude between 4,500 to 6,000 feet above sea level in the area of Lake Laut Tawar. The area is in the center of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province in Indonesia. It is a cloud-covered area near the main city of Takengon. This Sumatra Gayo Peaberry Coffee is low in acidity. Certifications: Direct Trade Certified Kosher Certified Flavor Notes: Caramel, Peach, Wisteria, and Cacao Nib Processing: Washed Process Roast: Medium Roast Additional Information: Altitude: 4,500 to 6,000 Feet Drying: Sun Dry Process Farm: Various Smallholder Farms Low Acidity: The process for developing a lower acid (or more basic) Sumatra Gayo Peaberry Coffee involves roasting beans that are naturally lower in acid, for longer periods of time. This ensures that the acidic components of the coffee are processed out and result in a higher pH. Orang Utan Coffee Partnership: Helps coffee farmers operate in a sustainable and successful way without clearing the rainforest. Single Origin Coffee pH: 5.1 Peaberry Coffee: What is a Peaberry Coffee? Sumatra Gayo Peaberry Coffee beans are unique and have a much richer flavor. They are only found in 5% of the crop and are removed manually. The flavor of the peaberry is of a finer quality than the rest of the crop and is desired by coffee connoisseurs.