El Salvador Coffee


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El Salvador Coffee from Mapache Estate's, Finca El Naranjito and Casa de Zinc. This coffee is a rich, full-bodied coffee with a smooth, sophisticated flavor and an intense aroma. Produced by Jan-Carlo and Sofia Handtke, the fifth generation of coffee producers in the Apaneca Llamatepec Mountain Range. Mapache maintains a strong commitment to the well-being of coffee forests, ensuring that every farm has a canopy protecting the coffee plants and soil. The wet mill has a modern design that minimizes water usage and recycles and reuses that water in the wet milling process. Rated a low acid coffee due to the lower acidity. Certifications: Fair Trade Certified Kosher Certified Flavor Notes: Tartness, Cinnamon Spice, and Sweet Caramel Processing: Washed Process Roast: Medium Roast Additional Information: Drying: Patio and Mechanical Processes Farm: Mapache Estate pH: 5.1 Low Acid Coffee Single Origin El Salvador Coffee El Salvador Coffee History Coffee arrived in El Salvador at the turn of the 19th century through its neighbors, Guatemala and Honduras, eventually blossoming into one of the country€™s most dominant crop by the mid-19th century. By 1880, El Salvador€™s coffee production was outpacing most of the country€™s other cash crops, like indigo at a distant second, and holding a dominant role within El Salvador€™s economy and politics. Very quickly, the government helped nurture and grow the infrastructure of El Salvador coffee production, even allowing citizens that chose to grow coffee to be exempt from mandatory military service for 10 years. By the 20th century, El Salvador coffee production resulted in paved highways, ports, railroads, and grand public buildings dedicated to coffee production within the country. El Salvador Coffee production helped integrate indigenous communities with the country€™s more urban population, and for well over 100 years the country€™s coffee infrastructure flourished. By the 1950s, El Salvador established the Salvadoran Coffee Research Institute, which helped revolutionize and set El Salvadoran coffee apart from its Central and South American counterparts. In fact, to this day, El Salvador maintains one of the highest concentration of heirloom varietals in coffee compared to most countries, with Bourbon trees, for example, accounting for 68% of their coffee. Unfortunately, in the 1980s civil war broke out within El Salvador, and coffee farms were heavily impacted. By some estimates, coffee production fell nearly 20% during El Salvador€™s civil war. When the war ended in the early 1990s, the country found it difficult to reestablish its coffee stronghold it once held, as foreign investors had moved on to other commercial coffee producers, such as Colombia, Brazil and Vietnam. Despite the country€™s recent hardship and conflict, El Salvador coffee produces some of the best coffee in the world, as the country has rich, volcanic soil that consistently grows award-winning coffee known the world over for its sweet, floral balance and wonderful soft acidity. El Salvador Coffee Finca Serbia in We purchase our El Salvador coffee from Finca Serbia in the Municipio El Congo, which is located in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec Mountain Range near the Santa Ana volcano. With an altitude of 1000-1,000m, Finca Serbia was established in the 1930s as a coffee farm and has been run as a family business for the past three generations. Due to Finca Serbia€™s volcanic rich soil, the farm produces a luscious, flavorful cup of El Salvador coffee with a nice sweet tartness and interesting nuanced spice flavors reminiscent of cinnamon, clove, and star anise, finished off with a nice caramel mouthfeel that rounds the coffee out quite nicely. The predominant varietal in Finca Serbia€™s farm is Bourbon, but they also produce a healthy amount of Pacas (a mutation of Bourbon discovered in El Salvador coffee back in 1949), Caturra, and Catimor. El Salvador€™s Finca Serbia farm produces a nice, medium body roast that is sure to be the highlight of your day. El Salvador Coffee Roast Process Our proprietary roasting process of El Salvador coffees brings out the sweet, apricot notes with a full city body that has a pleasant mouthfeel to round out the balance of this coffee. During the roasting process, we take special care to preserve the provenance of this wonderful El Salvador coffee. El Salvador coffee as a standalone origin is generally ideally brewed as a pourover that really stands out in Hario V60, as well as in Aeropress. But whichever is your preferred brew, we€™re certain you€™ll find something to enjoy in this wonderfully delicious El Salvador coffee.